
Why Host with Us?
At Macdonald Design LLC, we host industry-leading websites for our clients. We’ve been doing it since 2001. We started hosting client websites by request. Our clients were having trouble finding a hosting company, having trouble with their existing hosting company, or needing options that their hosting company did not offer. They often came to us for advice and help. So, we started a hosting service. By hosting our client’s sites we give our clients stability, flexibility, faster development, and personalized service.
Hosting with us gives you the following:
- An Experienced Hosting Company
- Free SSL Hosting, Secure Email & Spam Filtering *
- Flexibility / Extensibility
- Faster Development / Updates
- Rock Solid Server Technologies: CentOS, cPanel, LiquidWeb
- 24-hour Server Monitoring
- Personalized Support
* With 1-hour minimum Monthly Maintenance Plan